Year: 2020

Another Launch – GlobeCore’s Equipment Operational in the Netherlands

In July 2023, GlobeCore successfully launched the CMM 6/7 degassing unit at Siemens Energy B.V. in the Netherlands. This project was implemented with the participation of   Wolfgang Seifert, GlobeCore‘s representative in Germany. The CMM-6/7 unit provides efficient oil processing with a performance range of up to 6 m³/hour for degassing, drying, and filtration modes,Read More

GlobeCore's Distributor Engages in Analytica Lab Africa 2023

GlobeCore’s Distributor Engages in Analytica Lab Africa 2023

During the period of July 5 to 7, Total Analytical Solutions, a dealer of GlobeCore, actively participated in the Analytica Lab Africa 2023 exhibition held in Johannesburg, South Africa. This exhibition attracts exhibitors from diverse nations, showcasing their latest products, technologies, and services. Total Analytical Solutions, representing GlobeCore, successfully established connections with industry professionals, researchers,Read More


Dear colleagues! You are invited to participate in another free GlobeCore webinar themed as “VACUUM OVENS. LOW FREQUENCY HEATING” which will take place on November 24–25, December 2, 2021, At this webinar, we will discuss the following matters: advantages and features of the use of vacuum ovens; technical specifications and quality of vacuum ovens; WebinarRead More


Dear colleagues! You are invited to participate in another free GlobeCore webinar themed as “ULTRAFINE MILLING IN THE FOOD INDUSTRY” which will take place on November 17–18, 2021. At this webinar, we will discuss the following matters: advantages and features of the use of food mills; technical specifications and quality of coloid food mills; technologyRead More

USB-12P-equipment for the modification of bitumen of continuous action

Against the backdrop of increasing vehicle traffic and axle load, as well as seasonal temperature fluctuations, asphalt concrete pavement quickly wears out, necessitating costly repairs. This problem was solved by combining road bitumen with special additives, allowing for the creation of binders with the required properties. Modified bitumen provides greater strength to road surfaces, reducesRead More


Dear associates! You are invited to participate in another free GlobeCore webinar themed as “Production of Modified Bitumen: the Modern Approach” which will take place on July 21–22, 2021. At this webinar, we will discuss the following matters: advantages and special features of using modified bitumen; technical specifications and quality of road bitumen; technology andRead More

The satisfaction of you, our customers, is our path to prosperity!

We are pleased to fulfill another successful customer order. Three units (UVM-10) are on their way to Mozambique. One of the most popular and practical units for processing transformer oil is UVM-10. With a compact size and easy control, the unit provides a comprehensive(complex) treatment of transformer oil, including its degassing, drying and filtration. TheRead More

“BDV Testing Online. Methods of Measurement and Improvement”

On March 30–31, another webinar will be held under the title “BDV Testing Online. Methods of Measurement and Improvement” as part of GlobeCore Tech School program. During the webinar, the following matters will be considered: standards for determining the breakdown voltage; how an oil breakdown occurs in the transformer; how to take samples correctly; whatRead More

Vacuum unit for degassing transformer oils

Want to share with you of starting unit UVM 1 – (vacuum unit for degassing transformer oils, a production facility of 1000 liters per hour). Jordan city of Amman. It is a private structure (complex). There are more than 15 transformers from 600-2000 liters each. We have successfully carried out the test of the equipment,Read More


The unit is designed to measure the dielectric strength of transformer oil and other dielectric fluids according to IEC 60156, ASTM D877, ASTM D1816. It is a fully automatic device that allows testing according to the procedures defined in these standards, as well as according to the user procedures specified in the appropriate section ofRead More

GlobeCore webinar on transformer oil regeneration

GlobeCore company and our technical advisor from South Africa – Frank May invites you to take part in a free technical webinar on Transformer Oil Regeneration on 10th of September. We will introduce the following subtopics: – Regulations around dielectric oil regeneration process; – Oil parameters related to the regeneration of dielectric oil; – DielectricRead More

Fast mixing unit USB-5 (RS-150)

Traditionally antiseptics and disinfectants are made in large vessels where mechanical agitators are used to mix several ingredients into finished products. To do away with the big tanks, reduce equipment footprint and modernize it, GlobeCore has developed USB-5 disinfectant making machine. The principal of operation is simple, a pump feeds the main ingredient – alcoholRead More


Malaria is a life-threatening disease, transmitted by insect bites, specifically, by infected Anopheles mosquito females. Without treatment, this illness can have grave consequences, including death. The rate of malaria spread makes it one of the worst threats humanity faces. What makes malaria dangerous 228 million people contracted malaria in 2018; nearly 405,000 people died ofRead More

Light version of CMM-6R for oil regeneration

GlobeCore presents light version of CMM-6R for transformer oil regeneration. After processing of oil through CMM-6R it’s possible to restore oil to new like condition through special type of sorbent – fuller’s earth. Moreover, unit has sorbent reactivation mode, allowing its reusing about 400 times. The dimensions of this unit are also quite compact (lengthRead More

GlobeCore step by step is out of covid-19

Quarantine in lots of countries is eased and GlobeCore has more and more requests again! Bitumen emulsification units, bitumen filters, and oil purification units are being shipped to resume work of industries in lots of countries. In a big demand now – our new sanitizer making machines, which are based on modern continuous stream blending ofRead More

Hospital Water Treatment Plant

Wastewater from hospitals can contain traces of anything from viruses and multi-resistant bacteria to medical contrast agents and chemicals for cancer treatment. Small amounts of hormone-disrupting substances and other medicine residues are also part of the mix that passes from patients through hospital toilets and into public sewer systems. According to the World health OrganizationRead More

GlobeCore Statement on the COVID-19 Coronavirus Infection Pandemic

GlobeCore closely monitors the situation around the world due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 coronavirus infection. Under the circumstances, we are doing all we can to protect our employees.We also consider it our duty to make a contribution to the protection of the global community. Millions of people are quarantined, and they must beRead More


Antiseptic production as a business The strains of microorganisms constantly mutate. New viruses and bacteria appear, and it is better to prevent the disease than try to cure it later. This is why the market for hand and surface treatment antiseptics will grow, remaining a promising business. The use of antiseptics in the developing countriesRead More

Commissioning of Blended Fuel Production Machine in Ecuador

Another GlobeCore machine was commissioned on 13-17 January in Guayaquil, Ecuador. This time, our engineers commissioned a 10 cubic meter per hour USB fuel blending machine. The problem of atmospheric pollution is important for Ecuador, and the government is increasing environmental protection measures and standards. A complete transition to alternative fuels requires a comprehensive upgrade ofRead More

The Cost Efficiency of Reactivating Oil Regeneration Adsorbents

We define oil regeneration as a restoration of used oil to its new like condition. In this article we’ll talk about oil regeneration, using GlobeCore equipment as an example. The calculations demonstrated that the largest expense is the cost of the adsorbent. The other significant issue is waste adsorbent disposal. Knowing and understanding the problemRead More

USB Fast Mixing Unit

Our company has been manufacturing the USB fast mixing unit for 20 years. There is nothing really new or supernatural in our units, which is based on a 200 year old process, however, they are still in high demand today. Mixing units found widespread use during the Second World War, with the sharp increase inRead More

A CMM-1 mobile oil plant goes to Egypt

Our production facility keeps manufacturing new products for the electric energy market. One of the latest plants, CMM-1 mobile oil plant, went to Egypt. This unit is portable and designed on a trailer, which allows using the unit offsite. With its expanded filtering surface CMM-1 is perfect for purification of insulating oils from water andRead More

GlobeCore transformer service equipment reference

This a review from one of our dearest clients – VanTran Transformers. We in GlobeCore always try to improve the quality of our products and rely a lot on reviews that we receive. This way we can adjust and make required from the client’s point of view changes. Therefore, GlobeCore thanks VanTran and all otherRead More


Polymer-bitumen binders production technology

The use of polymer-bitumen binders (PBB) or as it is also called polymer-modified bitumen (PMB) continues to grow every year. This is due to several factors: First of all, because of the decrease in the quality of raw bitumen supplied to asphalt plants. Gradually, oil refineries learned to extract an increasing percentage of useful resourcesRead More


The problem of aging the power transformers fleet is quite relevant. This is mainly due to high prices for new equipment. Therefore, most electricity companies are trying to optimize their financial costs and extend the life of transformers already in operation. This is much cheaper, and the quality of transmission and distribution of energy doesRead More


Waste oils are rather hazardous waste, because in the natural environment they decompose very poorly and slowly, polluting everything around them. Most of these petroleum products are a source of pollution of the atmosphere, our water resources and soil. To imagine the extent of the harm, it is enough to tell that: one liter ofRead More

Transformer oil degassing

Globecore company leader in transformer oil degassing

In this video topic, we want to introduce to you transformer oil degassing unit – CMM 4/7 After so many years of manufacturing Globecore company has developed many various units for oil purification. They differ in the type of oil that they can process, their capacity and type of purification. Therefore, each one of themRead More

Launch of the AVS-100 for industrial wastewater treatment

The unit was put into operation in the city of Karatau, on the territory of the sodium cyanide production plant for the wastewater treatment. The device was embedded in the existing wastewater treatment line for neutralization from cyanide. The unit main task was to increase process effectiveness, speed and reduce the total cost and amountRead More

Easy way to remove water from the transformer oil

Moisture appeasers in the transformer oil from the air or as a result of aging solid insulation. Presence even a small amount of water in the transformer oil makes it not appropriate for usage, because it can reduce dielectric strength and, that leads to transformer breakage. To solve this problem and prolong the service lifeRead More

Transformer oil quality characteristics

The oil used in transformers is a product of a petroleum oil refinery obtained by distillation using phenol, acid and hydrocracking. Over time, under the influence of an electromagnetic field, air, high temperatures and interaction with transformer windings, which also deteriorate in time, the oil loses its dialectic strengths and becomes not appropriate for usage.Read More

Maintaining the stability of transformer oil

Transformer oil is a refined fraction of crude oil obtained by distillation, that boils at a temperature of 300 ° C to 400 ° C. Depending on the origin, crude oil has different properties and these distinctive properties of the feedstock are always reflected in the properties of the transformer oil made out of it.Read More

Cold mix asphalt with bitumen emulsion binder

Almost everyone is familiar with the spring-summer seasonal roads repairing. Heavy machinery is everywhere on the streets and hot asphalt is poured and rolled out on the road surface. Some time ago, this was the only way to do patch repairing of the roads. Today, the technology of cold asphalt mixtures is widely used forRead More

UVM-4/7 Globecore oil purification unit in Malaysia

From March 19 to April 8, GlobeCore company representatives visited Malaysia, where they commissioned seven UVM-4/7 units at once. These are not the first commissioning of UVM model equipment in Malaysia. For example, one of the last commissionings took place in January. The demand for UVM-4/7 units can be explained by their multifunctionality. Using thisRead More

Globecore seminars in Angola

At the end of June, GlobeCore representatives visited Angola (Luanda), where they held several seminars. The seminars were on the basis of the main electric companies in Angola and were devoted to improving the reliability of transformers and how to extend their service life. GlobeCore‘s concept is to protect the transformer insulation system from moistureRead More

Substation maps as a power company instrument

In order to carry out high-quality centralized power supply management, a substation map is required. Electrical substations are used when transmitting electricity over long distances in order to convert voltage. The consumer does not need a voltage of 6 or 10 kV, so it must be reduced to a value of 0.4 kV. The substationsRead More

Globecore regeneration unit for a wide range of oil types UVR-450

UVR – 450 was actually planned to be a vacuum purification unit for insulation oils, but after a dozen amount of our experiments we saw that it is able to completely clean and restore such types of oils as hydraulic, industrial, thermal, turbine, etc. Surprisingly to us, the unit was also able to purify diesel,Read More

Sulfur content in insulation oil

The issue of contamination of the insulation oil by sulfur is known by all power industry companies. The presence of sulfur leads to unstable work of contacts, to the formation of a coating on copper and silver elements, and also interrupts the operation of the switches of the windings or oil-filled switches. The process ofRead More